Explore the rich cultural heritage of Gundagai, a picturesque country town in the beautiful Riverina. You’ll find the famous Dog on the Tuckerbox Pioneer Monument, as well as a rich architectural, colonial and indigenous history, great fishing, a thrilling rodeo and boutique wineries. The town's main industries, unchanged since the nineteenth century, are sheep and cattle with a healthy dose of passing trade from people moving between Sydney and Melbourne.
Discover Gundagai
Old Gundagai Gaol Ghost Hunts & Tours
Work along side APPI Australian Paranormal Phenomenon Investigators as they investigate the Old Gundagai Gaol. Access to this venue in the darkest hours is not otherwise permitted, so come along and see if you can connect with the spirit world, seeking an indication of life after death.
Get a taste of life on the farm!
A farm-stay is a perfect way to experience the area, taste rural life and enjoy a break in country NSW. With plenty of choices around Gundagai its to hard to say no. From luxury accommodation through to beautiful, rustic farmhouses and many options in between make your trip to Gundagai one your wont forget!

Gundagai is home to a truly unique, private collection of historic photographs which are now internationally known as
the Gabriel Collection.