Gundagai is the ideal location to base any bird watching trip . . .
With the Murrumbidgee floodplain in the centre of town, you don’t have to go far for good birding. Over 60 species of bird have been identified in and around Gundagai’s urban floodplain, wetlands, and parks.
Over 20 species of parrot have been recorded in the region including some of Australia’s most beautiful, such as the Superb and Swift Parrots, as well as threatened woodland birds such as Diamond Firetails, Brown Treecreepers and Black-chinned Honeyeaters.
If watching beautiful Rainbow Beeaters returning to their riverbank nests, observing spectacular flocks of Galahs, Cockatoos and Corellas settling into their evening roost or viewing the charasmatic Crested Shrike-Tit work away at the bark of an ancient River Red Gum sounds like the ideal way to spend an evening or two, Gundagai is the place for you.
For more detailed birding information for around Gundagai ask for the “Birding Gundagai” flyer at the Gundagai Visitor Information Centre.